Whether it was the effect of the Lockdown and the fear of the pandemic, or the recent spurt in cases of suicide, – ‘mental health’ has become a buzz word. And we’re thankful. Finally, we are talking about a topic that’s been kept under wraps for so long.
“Talk to your friend or to a professional, wherever you feel safe and listened to, important thing is to talk” says Shubhangni Seth Ahuja, a spiritual psychotherapist from Lucknow and a clinical psychologist by education.*

Mental Health issues are very common and normal as well, given the kind of lifestyle we’ve all come to have, according to Shubhangni. The problem is the stigma around it due to many reasons, she adds. Most people get blamed for their own illness and are told that its just a ‘phase’ or that they’re not trying to be happy. It leads them to feel ashamed preventing them to seek proper help, further worsening their situation. So, what do we do?
We need to function in entirety as a nation, society and community to really solve the problem. While those things are not in our control, what we can do at our individual level is:
TALK – It is important to talk about mental health issues, anxiety, panic attacks and not run away at the mention of these words. We also need to be open to listening when people want to talk about their problems.
EDUCATE – Educate ourselves about it : what are the kinds of mental health issues, what are the triggers, how do they affect a person and how to help them in a given situation.
TREAT IT LIKE A PHYSICAL ILLNESS – You don’t make fun of people with asthma, diabetes, cancer, then why make fun of people with mental health issues? If we take both physical and mental illness at the same level, we will be better able to empathize with those who suffer
EMPATHY NOT SYMPATHY – Lend an ear to those you know who suffer. Ask about their lives, what they do when things seem to get out of hand, show affection and compassion and suggest professional help without judgement
It is ok if you don’t understand mental health issues properly. You could still contribute by understanding that it is not anyone’s fault and voicing support to those you know need help.
“All of us suffer in our own ways. Our mental health affects our physical health as well and in turn our working capabilities at both home and work. However, you’re not alone in this. So, come forward and seek help when required. There’s no harm in having a little chat after all!” adds Shubhangni.
*Shubhangni’s Credentials:
| Studied Clinical Psychology from Fergusson college, Pune
| Trained in Tarot Card Reading from Illuminations Well-being centre, Dubai
| Trained in Clinical Hypnosis (California Hypnosis Institute),
| Trained in Reiki & Angel Therapy from Doreen Virtue USA
| Worked at Jehangir Hospital, Pune as a Consultant
| Worked Independently with reputed psychiatrists and mental health centres in India since 2007
| Founding member of Illuminations Well-Being Centre (UAE) in India and spearheaded their work in Pune, Mumbai and Goa (2011-2014).
| Worked with children helping them in career counselling, aptitude and intelligence quotients
Contact her at: 75182 24413
Or book an online session on her website: https://www.shubhangnisethahuja.com/book-online