First Wall, India’s own Talent Video App, is conducting a Lucknow wide Talent Hunt in association with Now Lucknow and is providing your andar ka kalakaar a chance to shine! So whether you have the moves like Hrithik, or a can write or recite a beautiful poem like Farhan Akhtar, even if you can sketch or paint, then this is a golden opportunity for you.
This is what you have got to do:
1. Download the First Wall App on your phone
2. Make your very own Talent Video and Upload it on the App
3. DM the upload link to Now Lucknow
4. Contest Period: 25th February to 4th March
There it is, easy peasy. All you have to do is keep the following in mind:
1. Upload the video in portrait mode
2. The video should be related to any talent you have; do not upload Tik Tok or other app generated videos
3. Upload 2 videos / day as much as you can over the week
4. Participants have to use #nowlucknow in title when uploading every video and Mention it in the title (Example – #nowlucknow Tera Yaar Hoon Main). If you miss # then that video will not count in your performance.
What are the rewards you are guessing?The top 3 participants will get exciting cash prizes against the criteria of highest views and engagement score; as well as a chance to be featured on and First Wall’s Facebook and Instagram page. In addition, you will also get added in the First Wall talent directory, from where you can be chosen for your big break!
A chance like never before, get Video-ing and get famous!