Amiruddaulah Public library opened its door for the reading public of lucknow in 1887 and continues to provide its literary services till today at minimal charges. The library stocks upto 2 lac books in 7 languages including Hindi, Urdu, English, Bengali, Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian. If you are looking for manuscripts, maps and lithographs; go no further than this historical library at Kaiserbagh.

Choose from the wide selection of books available on history, literature, science, travel, cultures etc. They have a special section dedicated to books on Awadh’s history and culture, Library Sciences as well as Daily Newspapers and Current Affairs Magazines.
The library is open to all and provides services including read-in, books issue and a self-study corner for all competitive exam aspirants.
Carry two passport size photograph and an address proof to become a member. One has a number of membership plans to choose from:
A lifetime reading-in membership for Rs. 350
A lifetime membership for reading-in + issuing books for Rs. 350+250 (refundable security deposit).

NL TIP: The library has no digital cataloguing and one has to go through stacks of alphabetically and genre wise arranged name cards to find books. We recommend that you go here with some extra time on hand.

Location: Kaiserbagh, Near Safed Baradari, Lucknow
Timings: 12:30pm to 7pm. Tuesday closed.