LinkedIn Local (LiLo) Lucknow has become one of the most sought-after professional networking groups in Lucknow within a span of three years, with members from diverse fields meeting offline for networking. LiLo is celebrating its 3rdAnniversary this 19thMarch with a gala event, Spectrum.
What is LinkedIn Local?
LinkedIn Local groups take your online online connections offline, and help professionals strengthen their business relationships or form new ones through on-ground meet-ups. The Linkedin Local is a global phenomenon that started in Australia and now with more than 350 cities participating in it across the world. It is fully acknowledged by Linkedin.
Why LinkedIn Local Lucknow?

LiLo Lucknow came into being with 20 odd members in 2018 with Surabhi Srivastava as its host. With its refreshing take on connecting people at a professional level rather than on a purely business level, the city welcomed and embraced the idea.

With 160+ members on board now, the community has organized more than 50 events, including virtual ones during 2020. From dealing with Lockdown crisis, financial management, stress management to fun and entertainment, the community loves to keep itself active.
To improve interactions between groups, the community has been divided into 4 smaller groups called Ruby, Amethyst, Sapphire and Emerald. Each group undertakes collaborative activities and face to face meetings to ensure healthy networking between members.

Third Anniversary Celebrations
The 3rd anniversary is being celebrated with Spectrum at Hotel Hilton Garden Inn – an event for LiLo members. On the anvil is a session with Jatin Saini, India’s first Co-living Community Specialist who helps build professional communities that can connect at deeper levels. Of course, there’s also the chance to meet all the members and talk about your work to new connections.

Even if not a LinkedIn Local member, one can attend the session at a nominal price of ₹2200 through on the spot registration.
For more details and registrations, call on: 9807432642; 936983949
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