Another hidden gem, this one is on Sarojini Naidu Marg, near the old CM office, also called the Lal Bahadur Shastri Bhawan or the Annexe. Jitendra Bhaiya’s Litti Chokha has a huge fan following, and why not! The man has been dishing out tasty Litti Chokha for 22 years now.
His makeshift stall serves some 500 people everyday! He has an extremely small sitting area but most people prefer to park their vehicles around his stall, as they wait for their plate of hot ghee-dipped litti and delicious chokha. He will also pack it for you in leaf pattals, if you want a takeaway.
Hailing from Baliya, Jitendra Bhaiya roasts the litti on hot charcoal to give it the smokey flavour. The generally of wheat flour, besan or sattu, depending on the weather.
Location: Sarojini Naidu Marg, Near Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg
Price: Rs. 25 a plate
Timing: 9 am to 7 pm